


Design is a catch-all term since most everything in life gets designed in some way, shape or form. I believe design should be intentional and carefully done but understand in the fast-paced world we live in cannot be belabored. I design websites, logos, brochures and all manner of business and marketing collateral. Take a look at some examples of recent work in my Portfolio.



Selling is easier than it's ever been, but that doesn't make it easy. In addition to the functional and logistical requirements of an e-commerce enabled website, there are many other factors to consider related to shipping, fulfillment options and more. Not only do I design and implement fully-functioning e-commerce solutions, I also consult on best practices. And I always love hearing about new ideas. So, fill out the Contact form and let me know if you'd love to bat around ideas related to your next big idea.

Brand Development


The word "brand" is a strange bird. I've fought with this mercurial aves for many years and through my continued battles have finally settled on what I consider one's brand to be: you are what others say you are. And if you don't like what others say you are, change their minds. Your brand should be accurately and truly an embodiment of the core value you provide and I would love to work with you to first, understand what that is, and second, craft an identity statement to support. Still sound confusing? Let's talk more and unmask more of the mystery.



For the past 20 years, as trillions of pages of content have been published online, I've designed user interfaces and experiences. But despite all this time working to design and code websites, I'm still murky on what the world means when it says UI/UX.  I design first for function and then for form. I treat the Internet as a tool and creating a useful and seamless online experience requires a combination of creativity, clarity, best practices and technical understanding. So, my definition? UI design happens when you want to explain or detail the look and feel, and UX design happens when you want to focus on the efficient engagement with online content. 

Marketing Strategy


Telling your story to the right people is the vital work of marketing your work. This requires understanding exactly who the right people are and then determining where they are and how they are best approached. Whether you're launching a product line or working to grow your nonprofit's reach, it all starts with the people you desire a relationship with. Once you have a clear understanding of the people, we can all work together to determine the most efficient tactics for a continued conversation.

Social Media


Social Media is everything and nothing at the same time. Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (X?) icons litter our collective information intake and like all communications and marketing tools are best used when they're used best. The hard part is determining how these multi-dimensional channels can work best for you and your organization. I can help strategize, set goals and test theories and work to develop a cohesive and efficient Social Media Strategy so you can continue to tell your story.

Search Engine Marketing and Optimization


Search is king and you want to be found where people are looking. Whether it's through optimizing your website to play better with organic online search or working to develop a smart and efficient search engine advertising campaign, I apply the same methodology to all our client services to SEO and SEM — ask questions, set goals, test theories, measure performance and repeat.


Always do right. This will gratify some and astonish the rest.